The Shuffle Café, born January 16, 2013, is a weekly Swing dance event, offering classes and tasters in Balboa, Laminu, Slow Balboa and Blues and a weekly Swing dance social in Vienna, Austria. Wednesday is Shuffle Café Day!

SHUFFLE CAFE – Your weekly dance social


with various DJs
playing their selected choice
of dancy Swing music
digital or 78rpm/Shellac sets

Schedule for Fall 2023:
20.09.: DJs Sandra & Axel playing 78rpm/Shellacs
27.09.: DJs Sandra & Axel
04.10.: DJ Ango2Go aka Johannes
11.10.: DJ Stephan Wuthe & Sandra & Axel playing 78rpm/Shellacs
18.10.: DJ Foxhole aka Max

25.10.: DJ Bunani (BEHOLD: CHANGE OF LOCATION: Grünbergstrasse 15, Stiege 3, 3. Stock, 1120 Vienna – near U4 Schönbrunn)

01.11.: DJ Marcos (BEHOLD: CHANGE OF LOCATION: Mi Barrio, Münzwardeingasse 2, 1060 Vienna – near U4 Pilgramgasse)

08.11.: DJ Ango2Go aka Johannes
15.11.: DJ tba
22.11.: DJ Foxhole aka Max
29.11.: DJ Bunani
06.12.: DJ Stephan Wuthe & Alex Richard playing 78rpm/Shellacs (remote session)
13.12.: LIVE Pre-Christmas session: The D Is Silent, AT
20.12.: Christmas session – Last Shuffle Café 2023

Time for all Shuffle Café dates: 20:00 – 23.00
Location: Café Caspar, Grillparzerstraße 6, 1010 Vienna (find it on OpenStreetMap).
Streaming links see below.

Free admission – please feed the lolly pig!

Prior Covid testing is still a good idea to keep the event safe – if you feel sick, please stay at home!

Please support the Shuffle Café – please feed our virtual lolly pig online:
consider a minimum donation of € 5,- for live concerts – to help us pay the musicians

Via Paypal:
Via Bank Transfer:
State “Shuffle Café donation/Spende”
Recipient: Verein Balboa, Baby!
IBAN: AT63 1420 0200 1094 1084, BIC: BAWAATWW


Featured DJs in residence:
Shellac DJs: Stephan Wuthe from Berlin, DJs Axel & Sandra (aka Waldorf & Statler) from Vienna, DJ Alex Richard from Strasbourg, DJ Tanzorchester Fabian from Hamburg
Digital DJs: DJ Foxhole aka Max, DJ Ango2Go aka Johannes, DJ Bunani

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What is Shuffle Café?
A relaxing, open-space social dance here in Vienna, happening every Wednesday.
Why Shuffle? Balboa is a shuffling dance, mostly danced in place to basically all tempos in swing music.
Laminu, developed in the late 1940’s and 50’s by Balboa dancers in Long Beach, Southern California, is a dance for slow Jazz and Blues music.

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