Snowflake Blues 2016

30 – 31 January 2016, Vienna/Austria

A workshop weekend full of Blues with Ari Levitt from Seattle!

Join us for an intense week-end of new Blues inspiration from the West Coast. Ari Levitt has been teaching Blues for a long time and has created his personal style, with an emphasis on fusion with other dances – this makes his dancing and teaching not only unique, but very exciting.


Camp Party: Friday, January 29
Live: Herby & The Mudcats, DJ Opus One
Location: WUK Statt-Beisl, Währinger Straße 59, A-1090 Vienna
Start: 8.30 p.m. / Admission: free (voluntary donation)
more info here

Saturday Lazy Party: Saturday, January 30
DJs HiFly, Opus One, CoolTrain
Location: Kulturzentrum 7*Stern, Siebensterngasse 31, A-1070 Vienna
Start: 8.00 p.m. / Admission: free (voluntary donation) / End: 2.00 a.m.

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Workshop location:
Tangoloft, Cothmannstraße 9, A-1120 Vienna (find it here)

Admission: € 70,-/person

Class description

Saturday morning session: “History of Blues Music & Movement” (All-Levels):
A 200-year journey through time with blues music & movement. In this session, we’ll talk about the early roots of blues, and how the music has evolved and informed the movement through time. We’ll also give you some very concrete ways to identify, appreciate, and dance to the wide variety of the modern music you’ll hear today.

“The Magic & Art of Freestyle Fusion Fugue-ing“ (All-Levels):
A whole new way to create conversational dance through energy and flow, and a very innovative approach to the concept of freestyling by Ari. These concepts are based on fusion & blues connection, but can be applied to every single dance style you do, even if it means just breaking away from the steps for a few bars of freestyling, then coming back to them later. Expect lots of fun, lots of games, lots of smiles! 🙂

“Fun with Double-Pulse ‘Latin’ Blues” (All-Levels):
There is a wide range of historic and contemporary blues music that has a ‘double-pulse’ rhythm as its foundation, very similar to the rhythms yoou hear in a Latin salsa or NC2S. This very fun, playful class will expand your dance repertoire a dozen fold by first teaching you how to find the salsa in your steps, then showing you how to insert those movements into the rhythms of the music you will hear on the blues dance floor!

“Blues & The Art Of Effortless Dance” (All-Levels):
In this very unique class, you will not only learn some fun basic blues steps and stylings, but more significantly, it will introduce you to the core concept of “effortless dance” — dancing entirely through energy, where both partners can ultimately lead, follow, and listen concurrently. These concepts will profoundly change the way you think about all of your dancing (not just blues)

Register here!

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