Let’s blues it up!
This 4-weeks-class is all about bringing connection, confidence and creativity to your dance.
Connection to yourself, your partner and the music is the essence of partnered dancing. We’ll work on confidence in dancing, too, because, yes: It IS all about the attitude! Once you’re connected and confident, creativity is the cherry on top. Let’s face the challenge of becoming a creative dancer!
And last, but not least, we’ll discover the richness of musical styles – after all, we can use our bluesy skills to dance to different tunes!
Dates: Fridays – 03., 10., 17. and 24.06.2016
Time: 19.00-20.30
Teachers: Valerie & Lisa
Admission: € 40,-/person.
Tangoloft, Cothmannstraße 9, A-1120 Vienna (find it here)